Event or Host | Date | Venue | Event Link/Details |
AENEAS, EPoSS and Inside Industry Association - in association with ECSEL Joint Undertaking, the European Commission and EUREKA | 11/23-25/2022 | Web Based | EFECS 2021) |
ZEISS European Autumn School | 20./21/10/2021 | Web Based | www.zeiss.com/autumn-school |
ESSDERC – ESSCIRC 2021 IPCEI Workshop | 06/09-30/11/2021 | Web Based | 7. IPCEI on Microelectronics: Innovative Technologies for Shaping the Future (esscirc-essderc2021.org) |
Maker Faire Rome 2021 | 10/8-10/2021 | Web Based | https://makerfairerome.eu/it/ |
School on Nanotechnologies @ Nanoinnovation2021 | 09/22-24/2021 | Web Based | The school offered to students/researchers (also arriving from EU Countries extra-IPCEI) the opportunity to learn about fundamentals on processes, devices fabrication and characterization processes. IPCEI contributions: Direct contributions of ST (Ilaria Gelmi and Emmanuel Josse speeches) and FBK (Lorenza Ferrario as co-chair of the school). https://www.nanoinnovation2021.eu/home/index.php/programme/schools-and-courses/school-on-nanotech |
NEAPOLIS INNOVATION Summer Campus and HackFest 2021 | 08/26- 09/05/2021 | Web Based | Hand-on-tutorials in the frame of IPCEI with training kits sent in advance to the students registered from European Universities outside Italy (e.g. Spain). The HackFest launched challenges to individual participants and/or teams. Both tutorial and student contest brought students to share, collaborate, create, and learn about electronics in many ways. http://www.neapolisinnovation.info/blog/events/summer-campus-2021/ |
EUROSIME 2021 | 04/20-22/2021 | Web Based | IPCEI sessions: two common scientific sessions on IPCEI technical results and one educational session including 6 short courses on IPCEI related technical topics. https://www.eurosime.org/index.php/advanced-programme/ |
The BIG HACK | 04/9-11/2021 | Web Based | Student Contest within Maker Faire Rome and the IPCEI initiative with > 200 young people (students, developers, makers, engineers, designers, and technology fans). Participants shared their knowledge and unleashed their creativity to think up solutions for real-life issues based on electronic device. https://2021.thebighack.makerfairerome.eu/it/ |
Maker Faire Rome 2020 | 12/10-13/2020 | Web Based | Maker Faire Rome 2020 |
EFECS - European Forum for Electronic Components and Systems. | 11/25-26/2020 | Germany, Berlin | Register now! |
SEMICON Europe | 11/10-13/2020 | Germany, Munich | Semicon Europe |
Webinar Airi: The IPCEI Microelectronics: digital transformation, IoT, smart sensors and Industry 4.0 | 11/11/2020 | Virtual event | Registration |
ESREF | 10/05-08/2020 | Greece, Athen | European Symposium on Reliability of Electron Devices, Failure Physics and Analysis |
MIKON | 10/05-07/2020 | Poland, Warsaw | MIKON - 23rd International Microwave and Radar Conference |
Zeiss SMT | 09/29-30/2020 | Germany/Oberkochen | Zeiss European Autumn School Lithography Optics |
School on Nanotechnologies @ Nanoinnovation2020 | 09/16-18/2020 | Italy, Rome | 4 thematic sessions from basic processes to transducer applications, Participants: More than 100 attendees, most of them master and PhD students as well as researchers from Italy, Belgium, Netherlands, UK, Philippines IPECI contributions: Direct contribution of ST Microelectronics (Andrea Picco speech) and FBK (Ferrario as co-chair of the school) |
ESSDERC/ESSCIRC | 09/14-18/2020 | France, Grenoble | ESSCIRC ESSDERC 2020 |
IPCEI Workshop | 09/07/2020 | France, Grenoble | Modeling of Systems and Parameter Extraction Working Group |
NEAPOLIS INNOVATION SUMMER CAMPUS and HACKFEST 2020 | 08/27- 09/06/2020 | Naples | The “Summer Campus and HackFest 2020” will be an opportunity to have an hand-on-tutorials with training kits sent in advance to students also from European Universities outside Italy (e.g. Romania, Malta). |
Airi | 06/30/2020 | Italy, Rome | IPCEI Microelectronics in Italy: Innovation to promote digital transformation and industry 4.0 |
Techsylvania | 06/20-23/2020 | Romania, Cluj-Napoca | Hackathon |
MIKON | 05/18-21/2020 | Litvania, Vilnius | IPCEI Focus session |
CAM-workshops | 04/28-29/2020 | Germany, Halle | IPCEI Focus session |
EUROSIME | 04/26-29/2020 | Poland, Krakow | IPCEI Focus session |
IPIC | 03/08/2020 | Ireland, Dublin | Kick-off deep-tech-athlon |
IPCEI Focus Session at ESSDERC/ESSCIRC | 09/22, 2019 | Poland, Krakow | Introduction R&D results IPCEI |
Technology and Application Workshop at GUT (Gdansk University of Technology) | 09/29, 2019 | Poland, Gdansk | Presentation of latest development results in material, technology and packaging suitable for design and manufacturing of energy efficient communication systems, cooperation potential |
Nanoinnovation2019 | 06/11, 2019 | Italy, Rome | Strategic activity to disseminate IPCEI outside partner and industry context |
Nanoinnovation2019 | 06/12, 2019 | Italy, Rome | High level education on microelectronics |