Compound Semiconductor International | 06/28-29/2022 | Brussels, BE | | | |
EFECS | November 2022 | Web Based | | | |
ESSDERC/ESSCIRC | 11/19-22/2022 | Milan | | | |
EUROSIME | 04/24-27/2022 | Malta | | | |
IEEE International Magnetic Conference INTERMAG | 01/10-14/2022 | New Orleans (US) | | | |
IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium (IRPS) | 03/27-31/2022 | Dallas (US) | | | |
International Conference on IC Design and Technology (ICICDT) | 01/21-22/2022 | Paris/virtual | | | |
International Symposium on VLSI Technology, Systems and Applications VLSI-TSA | 04/18-21/2022 | Hsinchu (Taiwan) | | | |
ISPSD International Symposium on Power Semiconductor Devices | 05/22-26/2022 | Vancouver (CDN)
| | | |
IUMRS-ICA | tbd | | | | |
MAKER FAIRE | | Rome | | | |
MIKON | 05/9-11/2022 | Gdansk, PL | | | |
Sensecamp | | | | | |
SiSaxDays | | | | | |
Sommer schools | | | | | |
TRED workshop | | | | | |
Workshop in cooperation with IFAG, IFAT, and Infineon backend site Cegléd | | HU | | | |
Workshop in cooperation with IFAG, IFAT, and Infineon Design-Center in Bukarest | | RO | | | |
IEEE - Wireless and Microwave Technology Conference (WAMICON) | 04/27-28/2022 | Clearwater (US) | | | |